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My Goals and Plans for 2019

Hello, 2019, I don't know about you but I love the idea of a fresh start which you have read about in my last blog post  Finding my Mojo . I take the time to allocate and think through my goals, dreams and ambitions for the year ahead. Let's be real though, who sticks to their goals for a whole twelve months? This is why I have decided to have year-long goals this year but broken down into monthly, easier to manage goals and targets, allowing myself to not get overwhelmed by the enormous mountain in front of me. But instead, have monthly targets that, where appropriate can be broken down even further. I've categorised the yearly goals into three sections, Blog/YouTube, Fitness/Health and Personal. So here goes! My goals for 2019: BLOG & YOUTUBE 1. Stick to a regular upload schedule.     I started this last year, and well didn't do so well. Throughout the year I would like to become more consistent with uploading and when. The schedule will...

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