Why busy isn't always better...
"Beware of the barrenness of a busy life" ~ Socrates
Everyone seems to be so busy nowadays. More work, life and home demands, the notion or idea that busy is good, it makes you important, gives the illusion that you have everything and you are important enough to have things to do. Some of you though are legitimately busy, childcare, work, housework, the list goes on and on. But does God want you to always be busy?
Elisabeth Elliot said "If we really have too much to do, there are some things on the agenda which God did not put there. Let us submit the list to Him and ask him to indicate which items we must delete. There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy."
We often connect significance with busyness but we need to be asking ourselves if we are busy for the right reasons. Is this what God wants us to be doing?
We are God's people and have been created to do the good works prepared in advance for us to do. It's so easy to constantly say yes, whether it's to be helpful or because we like to please.
But it is okay to say NO
Sometimes we have to say to good opportunities in order to get to the right opportunities, the ones that we are supposed to be saying yes to. There is power in rest and stillness, in a culture that equates our worth with busyness. Take heart in understanding the power of rest. He will lead us, give us strength, shift from a heart of people pleasing to a heart of obeying. Serve instead of please.
Make space, say no when it's not right and God can bless that.
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