Finding my Mojo... Goodbye 2018


Does anyone know what day it is? This time between Christmas and New Year is both boring and magical. I love organising my life ready for when the clock strikes twelve and normality resumes. I also enjoy taking the time to remind myself of everything that happened in the year that just passed. I'm very much looking forward to saying goodbye to 2018, for a fresh line to be drawn and to see what 2019 brings.

Last year I set a few goals, targets or ambitions for 2018. A lot of them did not happen and I'm not mad about that. If anything it saves me a job this year, and I understand why. Nobody knows what will happen next year or what was going to happen in the last twelve months. If 2018 has taught me anything it is to take each day as it comes.

I called this blog post "finding my mojo" because I think that sums up 2018 for me. Elements of the year were beautiful, mixed with things that were less beautiful. The beautiful is often lost for the not-so-beautiful and as a result, I have at times lost my motivation for what I love. I stopped creating altogether, little to no blog posts, no videos on youtube- all things I enjoy and set off the year intending to do. Instead, I've written University essays and watched a ton of Netflix, all in the name of self-care.

For me, my true self-care is taking time out. Away from books on education policy and blank computer screens, to do the things that make me happy. It has been a 9-month process to finding my mojo, regaining sight of the things I love and knowing that those 9-months were needed. Everything, no matter how hard, happens for a reason. Life wouldn't be life without highs and lows and dwelling on the past does not help for the future.

Those six days between Christmas and New Year have been days of refocusing and realignment reminding myself who I am and who I am meant to me. 2018 I may have said I didn't like you, but I think I needed you to show me just what my potential is.

Cause as someone lovely once said to me 'Your Potential is Unending' 


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