Faith: Making Time for God.
So we all have busy lives right? Some weeks and days are busier than others and it's so easy for in those times to leave God and ready the Bible on the back burner. I'll admit I do it and I bet many of you have aswell.
So here's some of my top tips to make time for God, which I need to listen to as much as the next person.
1. Find the best time of the day
Is it the morning before the day starts?, or is it the evening just before bed and you switch off? Is it at 11:23 in the morning? Find whatever time is the best time for you and write it in the diary.
2. All you need is 10 minutes
You don't need a whole hours grand plan and firework display to end, all you need is 10 minutes to hear, read and think about God. If the morning works for you then plan to get up 10 minutes earlier or go to bed 10 minutes later.
3. Don't worry about it
Take it slow and don't be discouraged. If you miss day or even a week, it's no big deal. Each day is a new day and don't beat yourself up, you'll probably enjoy it more when it doesn't feel like a religious duty but actually a relationship you want to be a part of.
4. Use an App on Public Transport
If you commute to work on the train or bus then use that time wisely, read a devotional on an app or listen to worship music to set you up for the rest of the day.
5. Make it enjoyable
If you hate reading then find a way to make it more enjoyable, colour, get creative, watch online videos anything which you actually like to do, again don't make it a duty something you HAVE to do but what you WANT to do.
6. Get into a habit
They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit, if you want it to be a daily habit then for 21 days set an alarm or a reminder to read the Bible, this way when things are going on your phone will remind you to take time and re focus.
7. Look at the Bigger Picture
At the end of the day this is a relationship, there will be good days and bad days. In any relationship we need to take time to get to know someone, communicate and understand them, just like our relationships with the world we need to take time to get to know, communicate and understand God.
Let me know if any of these tips helped
Lots of Love
Kirsten x
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