Being Single | Wednesday Wisdom

There are two types of single people in this world, the happy singles and the unhappy singles, and at some point in our lives I think everyone goes into both camps, one day you can be so happy that you are single, free and able to enjoy life and the next you can be feeling down in the dumps about it. 

Having had a lot of experience in camp single in general I have learnt a lot about 'singleness' which I wanted to share. 

1. Your relationship with God is the only real relationship which matters.- God should be the only person and relationship that defines you, God is the one you rely on for your own happiness, joy and peace. God should always take the pole position of life. 

2. God's opinion is the most important opinion.- Regardless of what other people think of you, God's view of you is the only one that actually matters, find your identity in him and then you are good to go for life. 

3. Being single is no big deal.- Just like most things the way it becomes a big deal, is by making it a big deal, being single isn't a problem unless you make it a problem. Focus on being whole in Christ he makes you complete and fall in love with him because he loves you and is crazy about you. In fact he's Jealous for you. 
In fact in the Bible Paul led a completely single life whilst he served God in 1 Corinthians 7v8 it says: "Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried as I do." he literally says it is "good for them", now this doesn't mean we should always stay single but he means that we should take advantage of this time because who knows when you will get a time with God that's so undivided, with no distractions, this is only a season of your life so make the most it, in growing in relationship with God. 

"Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go with his Father. Having love his own who were in this world, He loved them till the end." John 13 v 1


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