
This time of year is a prime time for choices, whether you are in high school, thinking about college or off to university. These choices can be daunting, and who knows if the choice you make will even carry you to your career? 

Many people change their minds and the choices they made when they were 14 very rarely stop them from being able to change. Change is healthy, change is good. 

'He who started good work in you will carry it to completion.' Philippians 1v6

God has your plan figured out, he has had it figured out since before you were even born. When your hearts are aligned with Jesus, your paths are aligned too. It is important to involve God in your life and not just in the important aspects and decisions.
But do not be afraid. God is always in control. He is not a show me where to go God, he is a go and I will show you kind of God. 

Be courageous in your decisions, rise up and take courage and He will support you in where to go. 

So when making choices, about your future and you have no idea where to go. Talk to God, ask him and at the end of the day his love and plans are sovereign, sometimes you need to go through the unknown to get the known and the focused. 

And God already knows the decision you will make- he is kinda cool like that. 

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