Nineteen things every 19 year old should know.

I'm Nineteen! 
It feels so bizarre to say out loud but, here goes 19, 19, 19!!! In my last year as a teenager I have decided to think of nineteen things every nineteen year old should know.

1. It's okay not to have all the answers about your life.
2. Trust in God he's the real MVP.
3. Fashion isn't as important as comfort- be comfy first fashion later.
4. Follow your heart.
5. True friends will stick by you, support you and be there for you when you need them.
6. Your friends will also support your love for Jesus.
7. Wait for Mr Right, be patient.
8. Put yourself first.
9. Be Selfish about the good things.
10. Patience is a virtue.
11. Explore and go on adventures.
12. Don't let the fear of falling, stop you from flying.
13. Don't fight for acceptance, you shouldn't have to.
14. Always take your make up off before bed.
15. Cherish the ordinary.
16. Don't try to look like those in the magazines, it's unrealistic.
17. Music tells the best stories.
18. Take time out for your favourite things, they are your favourite things for a reason.
19. Love life with all your heart, and make your life one you love.
**Bonus** 20. Success is not measured in wealth, or possessions but in what makes you happy.


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